Syndicated Reports

Our syndicated publications are available for purchase on an  ‘off-the-shelf’ basis – contact for information on these and other available reports.


Based on interviews with 1,400 US consumers in May 2024, this year’s edition marks the 17th annual edition of the study. Once again, we provide brand strength rankings for 83 of America’s top network, cable and streaming brands.The study finds out which brands are “must keep” for America’s 120 million+ TV households and how those rankings have trended for the past 17 years. Subscribers to the study include most of the major ownership groups. Report highlights appeared in Hollywood Reporter, Media Life and Multichannel News. For more information and to buy your copy, contact

Based on 828 detailed interviews with newcomers to Canada of which about 40% arrived in 2022-2023, this research completed in late summer 2023 is the most recent and complete insight source to what newcomers to Canada are thinking, doing and buying. It covers the largest newcomer groups including those from South Asia, China, The Philippines and Central/Latin America, among others. The research provides a wide-ranging overview of consumer habits and preferences on banking, car/home insurance, credit, grocery shopping, loyalty cards, wireless, sports, as well as detailed media use. Contact for more information.

University & College Student Report explores consumer behaviours, social attitudes, and demographics of University and College Students in Canada – a population of 2.3 million consisting mainly of 18-25-year-olds. To participate, the respondents had to be a full or part-time student at a Canadian University or College. A total of 2,931 interviews were conducted among students attending University or College in every region of Canada in the spring and early summer 2023. The interviews were conducted in English and French with the objective of providing an overview of this important and hard-to-reach ‘young’ demographic in Canada.
University & College Student Report is an independent syndicated study published by Solutions Research Group (SRG) and the research was conducted in partnership with 55Rush, Canada’s leading expert in building online communities. For more information, please contact Robin Dryburgh,

Based on 2,996 detailed interviews with families of kids/youth in the 3-17 age group, this report provides a comprehensive overview of sports participation among Canadian youth. post-pandemic. It includes deep dives into organized sports and captures information on: image attributes for 40+ sports and physical activities, top-of-mind youth sports sponsors; and how to reach families with marketing messages. The study includes an oversample of new Canadian families to accurately capture emerging trends. Contact for more information.


Based on 1,501 interviews (970 newcomers to Canada, and a control ‘general population’ sample of 531), the 2022 research completed in late spring early summer is a complete insight source to what newcomers to Canada are thinking, doing and buying. It covers the largest newcomer groups including those from South Asia, China, The Philippines and Central/Latin America, among others. The research provides a wide-ranging overview of consumer habits and preferences on banking, car/home insurance, credit, grocery shopping, loyalty cards, wireless, sports, as well as detailed media use. Contact for more information.


International Students Report 2022 is an innovative new syndicated research study exploring consumer behaviours, social attitudes and demographics of the growing population of International Students in Canada, conducted by SRG in partnership with 55rush. A total of 560 detailed interviews were conducted among International Students attending University or College in every region of Canada in July 2022. Students interviewed came from 80+ countries attending over 130 educational institutions across Canada.  The study covers a wide range of indicators, from how they settled in Canada to when they acquired things like bank accounts, credit cards, wireless accounts as well as their mindset: what they like about studying in Canada and their challenges. This is complemented by their preferences on sports, banking, wireless and grocery habits and brand preferences. For more information on this study, please contact


Following on the success of 2019 and 2017 research, Newcomers to Canada 2021 updates important aspects of the newcomer experience. The research is based on detailed interviews with total of 850 newcomers who arrived on or after 2015 plus a control group of 600 ‘general population’ interviews. The research provides a wide-ranging overview of consumer habits and preferences on banking, credit, grocery shopping, loyalty cards, wireless, sports, as well as detailed media use. Contact for more information.


Based on 2,371 detailed interviews with families of kids/youth in the 3-17 age group, this report provides a comprehensive overview of sports participation among Canadian youth. It includes deep dives into organized sports as well as those they participate in casually. It also captures information on: access to sports facilities, image attributes for 44 sports and physical activities, top-of-mind youth sports sponsors; and how to reach families with marketing messages. The study includes an oversample of new Canadian families to accurately capture emerging trends.


Every quarter we conduct detailed interviews with 1,000 Canadian consumers and report on the key metrics and trends related to mobile and home entertainment, including TV, video and gaming, online video and social media. On an annual basis we also produce an analysis of key market metrics comparing Canada and the U.S. for client reference. Available on a subscription basis, the study tracks back to 2006. Specialized reports as of 2020 include Mobile & Wireless, Connected Home, Streaming & OTT in Canada, Internet and eCommerce trends.


SRG has been at the forefront of understanding changing population dynamics. The baseline Diversity study was based on 3,000 interviews conducted in 9 languages including Mandarin, Cantonese and Punjabi in the largest population centres of Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Since then we have done 2 additional waves of research. Information on new and second generation Canadians, as well as visible minorities is provided in these reports. Topics include media use, social attitudes, as well as advertising and data on selected consumer categories.